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TexScope™ LLC was created by Casey Lewis in 2019.
As a treating Speech-Language Pathologist, Casey needed access to a swallowing diagnostic tool that could be completed at the bedside, did not have a time constraint and could provide a colored image of a patient's laryngeal anatomy.
This is how TexScope™ was born. TexScope™ provides a GOLD STANDARD in swallowing diagnostics wherever your patients may be. The innovative technology utilized during each assessment is Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES).
A picture is worth a thousand words
A Clinical Swallowing Examination (CSE) is considered to be a screen by all of the top experts. We provide a live, in color, high quality video of your patient's swallow function.
The gold Standard
Compared to a Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBSS), FEES has been shown to be higher in specificity and severity in identifying penetration, aspiration, residue and spillage.
TexScope™ was created to provide better care for those in our community. Our swallow studies do not utilize radiation, there is no need for barium, there is no time constraint and your patient's favorite foods can be trialed during the assessment. We are passionate about improving each patient's quality of life.
Stop waiting
Start Treating
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